Tuesday 27 November 2012

Ideas for Pepsi Ads II

After discussion, we decided to follow the motto of Pepsi in 2007 which is " Taste the once that's forever young" to redesign our ads.
1. Young


Young people drinking pepsi after exercise - refreshing, energetic

Teenagers jump with hand holding pepsi at s - happy, young, energetic, joyful
A vampire biting a pepsi can, pepsi splash out - immortal

A pepsi use to water the flower, the dead part of the flower drop off , young and beautiful again.

by Nicole Yong

                                                                                        By Ruth

got the energy to achieve the main goal after drinking pepsi

 a reminder of the taste of first love.

by Camille.

vampire robbed a Pepsi truck and drank all the Pepsi.
by Shu Man.

Vampire choose pepsi.

Vampire taking a bite into the can.

Vampire sneaking off with a box of pepsi from somebody's fridge.

by Voon Ann

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Ideas for Pepsi ads.


We used the objective and general selling proposition from the Pepsi Monk Ads.
Objective : To make people feel like drinking Pepsi
General selling proposition: If you drink Pepsi, you become stronger and more relax

and also the motto of Pepsi: Pepsi, the Choice of New Generation

                      By Nicole Yong

by Voon Ann

by Camille Yap

by Shu Man

by Ruth

Billboard advertising for our Pepsi ads

After discussed with the group members, we decided to choose billboard ads as our media to advertise the Pepsi.

How to Design a Billboard

Billboard design can be an overwhelming task if you are designing one for the first time. But it does not have to be overwhelming. (Zachary.F, 2012, online)

1. Simplicity rules

  • Billboard design consisted just 3 main components : A compelling image, a unique and emotionally charged headline and the company name, logo and contacts info. 
  • Keep it simple, According to marketing experts, an effective billboard message takes less than 10 seconds to read. (eHow, 2012, online). Keep the copy length around 7 words or lesser. The fewer word the easier and faster to understand and recall the message.

2. Use high contrasting colours

  • Bold and high contrasting colours will get more attention.

3. No fancy style fonts

  • Thin or script fonts are very hard to read from far.
  • Use thick and simple fonts to increase the legibility at long distance.
  • Keep ample space between individual letters to avoid blurring, and avoid ALL CAPS, they’re less legible

4. Use BIG font size

  • Larger from allow to read from far, give viewer more time to process the message (minimum 18'' tall with 3' and taller being optimal. ) It not only increase the readability and also adds life to the message.

5. Outstanding Photography

  • High resolution images (minimum 300 dpi)
  • Huge scale will make BIG visual splash, displaying one central image that’s 25' wide rather than five dinky images that lack emotional impact from a distance.

6. Laser focus on 1 main object

  • No extra time for multiple features, long mission statement and all-inclusive contact info
  • Make one point with impact.

7. Narrow down the target audience

  • Ensure your billboard speaks one-on-one to their specific needs
  • Establish a meaningful emotional connection with prospects, to make them recall the message.

8. Use story element to grab their attention

  • Use a vivid mental picture with storyline to create excitement, suspense and delights to the bored drivers.

9. Scout a location

  • Distance your billboard from the traffic and the average speed of vehicles in the area are essential elements to keep in mind for effective billboard design.(Zachary.F, 2012, online)

10. Tips and Warnings

  • Never use white or sky blue as background colours
  • The human eye moves left to right so put your imagery on the left side of your billboard design to attract more attention. 
  • The closer your billboard is to traffic, the more copy you can include. The further your billboard is from traffic, the less copy you should use. (Zachary.F, 2012, online)


  1. eHow, 2012. How to Design a Billboard. [online] Available at: <http://www.ehow.com/how_5410771_design-billboard.html> [Accessed 21st November 2012]
  2. eHow, 2012. How to Advertising on Billboard. [online] Available at: <http://www.ehow.com/how_4453989_advertise-billboards.html> [Accessed 21st November 2012]
  3. DesignMyBillboard, 2010. Top 10 billboard design tips to ensure...Your billboard grabs eyeballs and burns into brain cells! [online] Available at: <http://www.designmybillboard.com/designprinciples.htm> [Accessed 21st November 2012]

by Nicole Yong

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Suitable Media for beverage

1) Advertisement

Advertising is a form of communication for marketing used to persuade or convince a group of consumer, audience to purchase a product.
There are all sorts of advertising out there one of them that I find most effective is tv commercials

After viewing the commercial consumers will have the urge to purchase the product to drink it. By using tv commercial, you can show how refreshing the consumer will be after consuming the beverage, there will be sound effects that will be able to tempt the consumer into buying the product.

People tend to believe celebrities, more than "average people". 
Therefore, by asking a celebrity to promote their product consumers will tend to believe the product is effective or good rather then asking a non-celebrity to promote their products. The picture below is one of the very examples of one of the method people use nowadays to promote their products.

Super Junior M Endorses Pepsi
Shenyuepop.Forumotion.Com (2009). Super Junior M Endorses Pepsi. [online] Retrieved from: http://shenyuepop.forumotion.com/t3947-super-junior-m-endorses-pepsi [Accessed: 7 Nov 2012].

The main reason TV advertising is so effective is the size of the audience it reaches. 

Nearly every average household has a television set. TV has become an integrated part of our lifestyle.
 Of course, not everyone viewing your commercial will buy your product. Still, the odds increase with a larger audience.

TV advertising reaches a large audience. It also allows you to target certain customers. How is this done? By placing your ads on certain shows or during specified time slots. 

A simple good tv commercial can be very memorable and effective.
one of the methods used are by using celebrities to promote their products.

Rather then just a simple poster, tv commercials able to show how effective and tasty the product is.
For example when promoting a certain beverage, by using tv commercial itself you can show how refreshing the beverage is. 

Liewcf.Com (2004). PEPSI Chinese POP Stars TV Advertisement Video (Part 2) - LiewCF Tech Blog. [online] Retrieved from: http://www.liewcf.com/pepsi-chinese-pop-stars-tv-advertisement-video-part-2-472/ [Accessed: 7 Nov 2012].

2) Internet

It is a trend for people to go online. It has become an addiction and necessity for people to go online almost everyday. This has given many opportunities and different forms of advertising for beverages out there.

It is convenient for people to use their gadgets phone, laptop, to go online anywhere, anytime.
The internet is also a cheaper way to advertise. 

Planetjune.Com (2009). PlanetJune by June Gilbank » review: Facebook Advertising. [online] Retrieved from: http://www.planetjune.com/blog/review-facebook-advertising/ [Accessed: 7 Nov 2012].

3) Radio
People often turn on the radio especially when they are driving or stuck in the jam. 
People tend to get the message from the ad in a subconscious or unconscious level that the advertisement is trying to convey.

By listening to the radio people are still able to imagine how the beverage will taste like especially after a long hectic day.

Answers.Yahoo.Com (2009). Why do companies use celebrities to advertise their products? - Yahoo! Answers. [online] Retrieved from: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20101001152045AAr13Bm [Accessed: 7 Nov 2012]. [1]

Savemyadbudget.Com (2011). Why is TV Advertising so Effective | Save My Ad Budget. [online] Retrieved from: http://www.savemyadbudget.com/why-is-tv-advertising-so-effective/ [Accessed: 7 Nov 2012]. [1]

Savemyadbudget.Com (2011). Internet | Save My Ad Budget. [online] Retrieved from: http://www.savemyadbudget.com/category/internet/ [Accessed: 7 Nov 2012]. [2]

Zeromillion.Com (2010). Why radio advertising could be the best thing you ever did for your business. [online] Retrieved from: http://www.zeromillion.com/business/creative-advertising-marketing.html [Accessed: 7 Nov 2012]. [3]

by Camille 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Transit Ads.

First of all, what is transit ads?

Transit ads are basically advertisements that are placed on anything which moves, such as buses, subway advertising, truck side, and taxis, but also includes fixed static and electronic advertising at train and bus stations and platforms. (Wikipedia, 2011, online)

 Stone, A. (2011) Taxi Advertising is perfect way to advertise your business: Drive Your Product in Regard to Target Market with Taxi Ads. [online] Available at: http://taxiadvertisingcampaign.blogspot.com/2011/05/drive-your-product-in-regard-to-target.html [Accessed: 7 Nov 2012].
 Kabak, B. (2008) NYC Transit unveils an anti-graffiti/advertising pilot program :: Second Ave. Sagas. [online] Available at: http://secondavenuesagas.com/2008/12/17/nyc-transit-unveils-an-anti-graffitiadvertising-pilot-program/ [Accessed: 7 Nov 2012].
This is called bus wrap.
-Ads that covers the entire surface of a bus.
Crankycreative.com (2009) transit advertising | transit advertising | Ignite Your Mind | Cranky Creative Idea Blog. [online] Available at: http://www.crankycreative.com/sandbox/blog/?Tag=transit%20advertising [Accessed: 7 Nov 2012].

Some examples of transit ads above.


1.Low Cost
Traditional advertising methods can cost tens of thousands of dollars, but transit advertising methods cost few thousand dollars.

2.High Impact
-Unique and eye catching presentation ensures higher retention rates.
-Your advertisement is effective, every minute it is displayed on the streets.
-Target your consumers with far more accurate reach and frequency.
-Flexibility to expose your brand/service to peak hour traffic, create general exposure in high crowd density locations, or use in conjunction with point of sale promotions, all in one day.
-Stunning Internal lighting system allows for brilliant night time campaigns.

-Utilizing our comprehensive crowd density, locality, and events databases we add value through our ability to choose precise locations to transit and park your Trans-Ad.
-Advertising locations are based where it matters most - continually assessed each moment to gain extreme exposure.
-Advertising can be geographically targeted because you know the people are all in a certain area at a certain time. 
-Reaches a broad section of the population
-Messages reinforced through frequent exposure, you can't ignore it.

-It offers flexibility of ad size and location. (Kobliski.K, 2005, online)
-Outdoor has proven time and again that it provides strong market penetration and high sales results. Whether you are looking to utilize our Trans Ads to spearhead your campaign, or as a complementary support media, we can significantly raise the profile and increase the impact of your campaign.
-At the completion of your campaign, you will be provided with a comprehensive report, detailing all aspects of the exposure achieved, and including photos/video for further promotional needs.
(eXtreme.e, online)


-Limits in terms of message design. It must meet several conditions: to be short, can be remote-received by people who are generally in motion (Leonado.T, 2011, online)

-People on mass transit are often not in a receptive mood or they may be so used to ads appearing in certain spaces that they don't even see them.

-You may not have mass transit in your advertising area. For example, many cities and towns don't have subways or bus service.

-The surroundings may detract from your message. A mud-splashed bus, a graffiti-sprayed subway car or a crumbling subway entrance wall may not be the showcase you had in mind. (Wiki, 1950, online)

-Subways, buses or other mass transit environments may not suit the product image.

-Vandalism will occur with having public advertisements.

-The weather could also destroy the billboard. (Yahoo, 2008, online)

References :

1.», G. (1950) What are the disadvantages and advantages of transit advertising. [online] Available at: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_disadvantages_and_advantages_of_transit_advertising [Accessed: 7 Nov 2012].

2.Answers.yahoo.com (2008) What are the advantages and disadvantages of advertising on a billboard? - Yahoo! Answers. [online] Available at: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090111134954AAcjEQr [Accessed: 7 Nov 2012].

3.En.wikipedia.org (2011) Out-of-home advertising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [online] Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Out-of-home_advertising [Accessed: 7 Nov 2012].

4.Teleanu.com (2011) Outdoor advertising: advantages and disadvantages – Leonardo Teleanu - logo & brand identity designer. [online] Available at: http://www.teleanu.com/outdoor-advertising-advantages-and-disadvantages/ [Accessed: 7 Nov 2012].

5.Extremeexposure.com.au (n.d.) eXtreme eXposure :: the transit advertising experts. [online] Available at: http://www.extremeexposure.com.au/Advantages.htm [Accessed: 7 Nov 2012].

6.Kobliski, K. (2005) The Advantages of Transit Advertising - Outdoor Ads | Entrepreneur.com. [online] Available at: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/76826 [Accessed: 7 Nov 2012].

7.Google.com.my (n.d.) [online] Available at: http://www.google.com.my/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCEQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmarketing.bgca.org%2FGettingStarted%2FAdvertising%2FDocuments%2FAdvertisingChannelPro-con.doc&ei=DpyaUIqMN4bxrQfPqIGgDA&usg=AFQjCNGcNGH_5Tcp4NzWE_msuVhpwXR-3A&sig2=TpxKR4FaiqMAFz3FIrnWbA [Accessed: 7 Nov 2012].

Shu Man